Sunday, March 11, 2007

"just right"

After being made fun of for my height:

D: Don't feel bad, you're just right for me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"better than ezra's desperately wanting"

My favorite verse is the following:

Then they asked what went wrong
that you never had it right.
that you never had it right
I remember running through the wet grass
falling a step behind.
Kick them right in the face

Monday, February 12, 2007

"love at first sight"

I don't believe in love in first sight. I just don't think it's possible. There's something inherently wrong in falling ass over teakettle for someone you've seen fleetingly. It's the peptide hormones talking, not love.

I subscribe to the school of thought that love comes gradually. Its onset is gradual, as is its departure. Love is something that comes when you realize that somebody really is amazing: personality, charm, looks... the whole package. So many people confuse it with their hormones that it is no wonder it disappears so quickly. Love isn't instant. Love is the enduring affection you have when you realize that you've found the one person you were looking for the whole time.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

"for the love of pete"

Gosh darn it. I took a shower and a few hours later, my hair feels strange. I think I forgot to shampoo.

"fye is mine"

I am now the proud owner of this poster. Fye-san, you make me squeee in excitement.

"one short, one long"

1 short term goal:
- get straight A's this semester

1 long term goal:
- get into medical school

"case competition"

I recently joined a case competition for Haas with three other students. mmm goodie.

"shanghai here I come"

My admissions to a shanghai university was approved yesterday! I will soon be an ex-Berkeley student, and future Fudan student. Horray, horray!

Friday, February 9, 2007

"vomitous flu"

I thought I was a little too old to be vomiting due to the flu, but I guess I'm not. The sad part is that I think I felt better after vomiting than I did before.

It was really weird waking in the middle of the night freezing to death even though I was under two blankets (including a down comforter). It was summarily weird to wake up again because I was burning hot. Oddly enough, I think I managed to keep a cool head amidst the fog of illness. Not once did I desire my mother or someone to come take care of me.

After dragging myself out of bed around 3am, I decided to drug myself with cold/flu pills, a multivitamin, and a small claritin for good measure. I put on another sweater, boiled some hot water, and proceeded to vomit the strawberry juice I drank with the pills. I sat typing at my computer for about an hour to notify my GSIs that I might not be in class tomorrow, and decided to try rest if I couldn't hydrate myself without it coming back up. I feel a little better after the nap.

Even though it would have been nice fretting over me, I think I feel better controlling my own medication and treatment. Perhaps I am a type 3 like Professor -ahem- Jack said in class. He mentioned that he preferred to be called by his first name, so I never bothered remembering the professor's last name. >_<

Thursday, February 8, 2007

"not eecs"

I tire of people assuming that my workplace has anything to do with my major. No I'm not EECS. No, I don't work in the computing center. Yes, I will fix your computer.