Friday, February 9, 2007

"vomitous flu"

I thought I was a little too old to be vomiting due to the flu, but I guess I'm not. The sad part is that I think I felt better after vomiting than I did before.

It was really weird waking in the middle of the night freezing to death even though I was under two blankets (including a down comforter). It was summarily weird to wake up again because I was burning hot. Oddly enough, I think I managed to keep a cool head amidst the fog of illness. Not once did I desire my mother or someone to come take care of me.

After dragging myself out of bed around 3am, I decided to drug myself with cold/flu pills, a multivitamin, and a small claritin for good measure. I put on another sweater, boiled some hot water, and proceeded to vomit the strawberry juice I drank with the pills. I sat typing at my computer for about an hour to notify my GSIs that I might not be in class tomorrow, and decided to try rest if I couldn't hydrate myself without it coming back up. I feel a little better after the nap.

Even though it would have been nice fretting over me, I think I feel better controlling my own medication and treatment. Perhaps I am a type 3 like Professor -ahem- Jack said in class. He mentioned that he preferred to be called by his first name, so I never bothered remembering the professor's last name. >_<

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